Engine Identification Car maintenance, service, owner's manuals

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Engine Identification

by Peter » Wed Jan 20, 2021 11:57 am

Various codes may be stamped into the engine block. These codes represent:



Engine Number:

A series production engine will have an eight-digit engine number consisting of two groups of four

digits. The 1 st block contains 4 digits with information on the assembly line and serial number of

engines produced daily.

The 2nd block shows the factory code and day of production.

0 001 0 000

0 Assembly line

0 or 1= M10, M42

2 or 3 = M20, M21,, M50 Munich/Steyr

4 or 5 = M30

6 = S14, S38, M70

001 = Serial number

0 = Factory code

0 -4 =Munich

5 -9 =Steyr (Austria)

000 = Production day

Engines covered:

18 4K A

18 4S 1

27 6K A

27 6K B

25 6K 1

23 4E A

24 6T A

27 6K A

27 6K B

32 6E A

34 6K A

35 6E E

25 6E 2

25 6S 1

34 6K B

36 6S 1

32 6E A

34 6K A

34 6K B

35 6E E

50 12 A

32 6E A

34 6K A

34 6K B

50 12 A

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